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Our Ministries

Faith Formation and Evangelization


“The purpose of catechetical education is to inform, form and transform Christian persons and communities as apprentices to Jesus for God’s reign in the world.”   Thomas Groome


We welcome you and your family to our Faith Formation Programs for all age groups here at Corpus Christi Parish. We provide faith formation opportunities that inform, form and transform individuals to live out our Baptismal call to discipleship in Jesus Christ and carrying out the mission of the Church.


 These programs are centered in living a Sacramental life with special emphasis on the Eucharist as the source of our life and commitment to live out that Baptismal call. We willingly share with you, your responsibility regarding the religious education of your children.


 If you have any questions, requests, problems or suggestions, please feel free to contact Nick Perkoski at 440.599.8570, by email:  or stop in the Parish Office. Be assured of continued prayers for you and your family.

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Faith Formation  Grades 1-8


Youth Ministry 

Grades 9-12


Adult Faith




Preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, are parish-centered programs requiring additional preparation.  Although normally associated with a particular grade level (i.e. second grade for Reconciliation and Eucharist) this may not be the case for all children.







RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


Are you or someone you know interested in joining the Catholic Church? RCIA is the process by which those who interested in becoming Catholic can experience and learn about our faith.  


Our RCIA program meets bi-weekly for a two-hour session.  It is informal rather than being like a class.  It is centered on discussion rather than just lectures.  It is designed to address your questions and concerns as you take the steps along the path to the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation.


All are invited to inquire about the faith.  For more information and the coming year’s schedule, please contact Nick Perkoski at 440.599.8570, by email:

If you are new to the area, looking for a place to belong, or are already a member of our parish community – know that there is always a place for you as we gather around the table of the Lord.


We are a community that gathers together in prayer, life-long faith formation, fellowship, fun and service. We are striving to grow in holiness – which we define as deepening our relationship with the Lord Jesus personally and as a community of believers. We do all of this from our Catholic perspective.


We invite you to journey with us. If you join us, know that you will be walking with believers who are striving to be the presence of Jesus Christ. We are not perfect, but we are sincere in our efforts to be better people, better Christians every day.

Corpus Christi Parish

744 Mill St

Conneaut, Ohio 44030

Phone: (440) 599-8570

Fax: (440) 593-6772


                         ©2024 by Corpus Christi Parish. 

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